Captain Crunch; The Beacon of Hope
I was beginning to suspect that everything Trader Joe's touched turned to pure gold, in other words I was beginning to become one of those frighteningly cultish Trader Joe's fans who seem to shop there everyday, and have started their own blogs dedicated solely to Trader Joe's products and openings. Fortunately, I will not be heading down that road, as I've discovered that this Mango & Apricot Yogurt O's Cereal is not one of the more delicious things I've ever tasted, and in fact ranks fairly close to the bottom.
I'm now intrigued by the silo-shaped Swiss Farm Stores that seem to populate the area, and how good their breakfast is, and will explore that possibility at some future time. Looking at their official webpage, which is basically one long flash cartoon with very little actual information, this has tremendous upside potential.
Today's links:
- How have I completely missed this? Amazing blog which analyzes Garfield comics, similar to the still-hilarious Goosebumps blog
- Starving African children use a merry-go-round to pump water. Absolutely brilliant.
- Boeing's redesigned 747, due to hit the runways around 2008, has these incredible curved wings that supposedly make it more aerodynamic and environmentally friendly. I'm all for that.
- New billboard in Chicago uses the sun to tell you what to eat at McDonald's. Possibly the best billboard ever.
- Google Maps sez Malta is underwater.
- Manhattan will turn into Stonehenge today.
- I'm really saddened to see that Jon Brion's tendinitis has forced him to cancel all of his Friday-night Largo shows indefinitely, and that he's unavailable to do anything for the foreseeable future. I was really really hoping to see him live at some point.
- And finally, the rare Sumatran Ground-Cuckoo, which has had no confirmed sightings since 1916 and was largely considered extinct, has been photographed by scientists orginally seeking Sumatran tigers. This is the best news I've heard since the Ivory-billed Woodpecker discovery, though I'm now beginning to question the accuracy of the latter. I'm beginning to get tears in my eyes from this beautiful Ground-Cuckoo photo. I'm going to make it my laptop's wallpaper now.
Another photo:
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