Even Destroyers Have A Price

It was about birds, now it's about azimuth stings


Australian Birdlist

This is the FINAL list of all the birds I saw in Australia, from 29 Jan - 13 May 2007.

All common names and taxonomic order taken from: Gill, F. and M.Wright. 2006. Birds of the World: Recommended English Names. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. In some instances where the Gill and Wright recommendation differed significantly from the names commonly found in Australian field guides, I have indicated the Australian name in parentheses.

  1. Southern Cassowary
  2. Emu
  3. Australian Brushturkey
  4. Scrubfowl (Orange-footed Scrubfowl)
  5. Brown Quail
  6. Plumed Whistling Duck
  7. Wandering Whistling Duck
  8. Black Swan
  9. Maned Duck (Australian Wood Duck)
  10. Mallard
  11. Pacific Black Duck
  12. Chestnut Teal
  13. Hardhead
  14. Wedge-tailed Shearwater
  15. Australasian Grebe
  16. Great Crested Grebe
  17. Black-necked Stork
  18. Australian White Ibis
  19. Royal Spoonbill
  20. Striated Heron
  21. Cattle Egret
  22. Great Egret
  23. White-faced Heron
  24. Little Egret
  25. Pacific Reef Heron (Eastern Reef Egret)
  26. Great Frigatebird
  27. Australian Pelican
  28. Australasian Gannet
  29. Little Pied Cormorant
  30. Little Black Cormorant
  31. Great Cormorant
  32. Darter
  33. Nankeen Kestrel
  34. Brown Falcon
  35. Peregrine Falcon
  36. Osprey
  37. Black-breasted Buzzard
  38. Black-shouldered Kite
  39. Black Kite
  40. Whistling Kite
  41. White-bellied Sea-Eagle
  42. Collared Sparrowhawk
  43. Wedge-tailed Eagle
  44. Australian Bustard
  45. Buff-banded Rail
  46. Purple Swamphen
  47. Dusky Moorhen
  48. Eurasian Coot
  49. Bush Stone-curlew
  50. Beach Stone-curlew
  51. Pied Oystercatcher
  52. Black-winged Stilt
  53. Masked Lapwing
  54. Pacific Golden Plover
  55. Red-capped Plover
  56. Lesser Sand Plover
  57. Greater Sand Plover
  58. Black-fronted Dotterel
  59. Latham's Snipe
  60. Black-tailed Godwit
  61. Bar-tailed Godwit
  62. Whimbrel
  63. Eastern Curlew
  64. Common Greenshank
  65. Grey-tailed Tattler
  66. Great Knot
  67. Red-necked Stint
  68. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
  69. Silver Gull
  70. Caspian Tern
  71. Swift Tern (Crested Tern)
  72. Roseate Tern
  73. Common Tern
  74. Little Tern
  75. Common Pigeon (Rock Pigeon)
  76. White-headed Pigeon
  77. Spotted Dove
  78. Brown Cuckoo-Dove
  79. Emerald Dove
  80. Crested Pigeon
  81. Diamond Dove
  82. Peaceful Dove
  83. Bar-shouldered Dove
  84. Wompoo Fruit Dove
  85. Superb Fruit Dove
  86. Rose-crowned Fruit Dove (heard only)
  87. Pied Imperial Pigeon
  88. Topknot Pigeon
  89. Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo
  90. Galah
  91. Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
  92. Cockatiel
  93. Rainbow Lorikeet
  94. Australian Ringneck (Western Ringneck, lumped)
  95. Crimson Rosella
  96. White-cheeked Rosella (Pale-headed Rosella)
  97. Australian King Parrot
  98. Red-winged Parrot
  99. Double-eyed Fig Parrot
  100. Pheasant Coucal
  101. Common Koel
  102. Channel-billed Cuckoo
  103. Fan-tailed Cuckoo
  104. Oriental Cuckoo
  105. Lesser Sooty Owl (heard only)
  106. Morepork (Southern Boobook) (heard only)
  107. White-rumped Swiftlet
  108. Oriental Dollarbird
  109. Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher
  110. Laughing Kookaburra
  111. Blue-winged Kookaburra
  112. Forest Kingfisher
  113. Sacred Kingfisher
  114. Azure Kingfisher
  115. Little Kingfisher
  116. Rainbow Bee-Eater
  117. Green Catbird (Spotted Catbird, lumped)
  118. Tooth-billed Bowerbird
  119. Western Bowerbird
  120. White-throated Treecreeper
  121. Lovely Fairywren
  122. Variegated Fairywren
  123. Superb Fairywren
  124. Splendid Fairywren
  125. Red-backed Fairywren
  126. Southern Emu-wren
  127. Macleay's Honeyeater
  128. Bridled Honeyeater
  129. Varied Honeyeater
  130. Yellow Honeyeater
  131. White-plumed Honeyeater
  132. Graceful Honeyeater
  133. Yellow-spotted Honeyeater
  134. Lewin's Honeyeater
  135. Noisy Miner
  136. Yellow-throated Miner
  137. Blue-faced Honeyeater
  138. Little Friarbird
  139. Helmeted Friarbird
  140. Silver-crowned Friarbird
  141. Noisy Friarbird
  142. Little Wattlebird
  143. Red Wattlebird
  144. Brown Honeyeater
  145. New Holland Honeyeater
  146. White-cheeked Honeyeater
  147. Tawny-crowned Honeyeater
  148. Brown-backed Honeyeater
  149. Eastern Spinebill
  150. Dusky Myzomela (Honeyeater)
  151. Scarlet Myzomela (Honeyeater) (heard only)
  152. Red-browed Pardalote
  153. Striated Pardalote
  154. White-browed Scrubwren
  155. Yellow-throated Scrubwren
  156. Large-billed Scrubwren
  157. Weebill
  158. Brown Gerygone
  159. Large-billed Gerygone
  160. Fairy Gerygone
  161. Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
  162. Buff-rumped Thornbill
  163. Yellow-rumped Thornbill
  164. Yellow Thornbill
  165. Grey-crowned Babbler
  166. Chowchilla
  167. Eastern Whipbird
  168. Yellow-breasted Boatbill
  169. Black Butcherbird
  170. Grey Butcherbird
  171. Pied Butcherbird
  172. Australian Magpie
  173. Pied Currawong
  174. White-breasted Woodswallow
  175. Black-faced Cuckooshrike
  176. Barred Cuckooshrike
  177. White-bellied Cuckooshrike
  178. Varied Triller
  179. Australian Golden Whistler
  180. Rufous Whistler
  181. Australasian Figbird
  182. Olive-backed Oriole
  183. Green Oriole (Yellow Oriole)
  184. Bower's Shrikethrush
  185. Little Shrikethrush
  186. Grey Shrikethrush
  187. Spangled Drongo
  188. Willie Wagtail
  189. Grey Fantail
  190. Rufous Fantail
  191. Black-faced Monarch
  192. Spectacled Monarch
  193. Pied Monarch
  194. Magpielark
  195. Shining Flycatcher
  196. Torresian Crow
  197. Australian Raven
  198. Apostlebird
  199. Victoria's Riflebird
  200. Grey-headed Robin
  201. Pale-yellow Robin
  202. Red-capped Robin
  203. White-backed Swallow
  204. Welcome Swallow
  205. Tree Martin
  206. Tawny Grassbird
  207. Silvereye
  208. Metallic Starling
  209. Common Myna
  210. Mistletoebird
  211. Olive-backed Sunbird (Yellow-bellied Sunbird)
  212. House Sparrow
  213. Red-browed Finch
  214. Crimson Finch
  215. Zebra Finch
  216. Blue-faced Parrot-Finch
  217. Scaly-breasted Munia (Nutmeg Mannikin)
  218. Chestnut-breasted Munia (Mannikin)
  219. Australian Pipit

Possible, but ID not confident

  1. Straw-necked Ibis
  2. Grey Teal
  3. Grey Goshawk
  4. Grey Falcon
  5. Western Gerygone
  6. Banded Honeyeater
(What's with all the grey mystery birds? haha)

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