Australian Birdlist
This is the FINAL list of all the birds I saw in Australia, from 29 Jan - 13 May 2007.
All common names and taxonomic order taken from: Gill, F. and M.Wright. 2006. Birds of the World: Recommended English Names. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. In some instances where the Gill and Wright recommendation differed significantly from the names commonly found in Australian field guides, I have indicated the Australian name in parentheses.
- Southern Cassowary
- Emu
- Australian Brushturkey
- Scrubfowl (Orange-footed Scrubfowl)
- Brown Quail
- Plumed Whistling Duck
- Wandering Whistling Duck
- Black Swan
- Maned Duck (Australian Wood Duck)
- Mallard
- Pacific Black Duck
- Chestnut Teal
- Hardhead
- Wedge-tailed Shearwater
- Australasian Grebe
- Great Crested Grebe
- Black-necked Stork
- Australian White Ibis
- Royal Spoonbill
- Striated Heron
- Cattle Egret
- Great Egret
- White-faced Heron
- Little Egret
- Pacific Reef Heron (Eastern Reef Egret)
- Great Frigatebird
- Australian Pelican
- Australasian Gannet
- Little Pied Cormorant
- Little Black Cormorant
- Great Cormorant
- Darter
- Nankeen Kestrel
- Brown Falcon
- Peregrine Falcon
- Osprey
- Black-breasted Buzzard
- Black-shouldered Kite
- Black Kite
- Whistling Kite
- White-bellied Sea-Eagle
- Collared Sparrowhawk
- Wedge-tailed Eagle
- Australian Bustard
- Buff-banded Rail
- Purple Swamphen
- Dusky Moorhen
- Eurasian Coot
- Bush Stone-curlew
- Beach Stone-curlew
- Pied Oystercatcher
- Black-winged Stilt
- Masked Lapwing
- Pacific Golden Plover
- Red-capped Plover
- Lesser Sand Plover
- Greater Sand Plover
- Black-fronted Dotterel
- Latham's Snipe
- Black-tailed Godwit
- Bar-tailed Godwit
- Whimbrel
- Eastern Curlew
- Common Greenshank
- Grey-tailed Tattler
- Great Knot
- Red-necked Stint
- Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
- Silver Gull
- Caspian Tern
- Swift Tern (Crested Tern)
- Roseate Tern
- Common Tern
- Little Tern
- Common Pigeon (Rock Pigeon)
- White-headed Pigeon
- Spotted Dove
- Brown Cuckoo-Dove
- Emerald Dove
- Crested Pigeon
- Diamond Dove
- Peaceful Dove
- Bar-shouldered Dove
- Wompoo Fruit Dove
- Superb Fruit Dove
- Rose-crowned Fruit Dove (heard only)
- Pied Imperial Pigeon
- Topknot Pigeon
- Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo
- Galah
- Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo
- Cockatiel
- Rainbow Lorikeet
- Australian Ringneck (Western Ringneck, lumped)
- Crimson Rosella
- White-cheeked Rosella (Pale-headed Rosella)
- Australian King Parrot
- Red-winged Parrot
- Double-eyed Fig Parrot
- Pheasant Coucal
- Common Koel
- Channel-billed Cuckoo
- Fan-tailed Cuckoo
- Oriental Cuckoo
- Lesser Sooty Owl (heard only)
- Morepork (Southern Boobook) (heard only)
- White-rumped Swiftlet
- Oriental Dollarbird
- Buff-breasted Paradise Kingfisher
- Laughing Kookaburra
- Blue-winged Kookaburra
- Forest Kingfisher
- Sacred Kingfisher
- Azure Kingfisher
- Little Kingfisher
- Rainbow Bee-Eater
- Green Catbird (Spotted Catbird, lumped)
- Tooth-billed Bowerbird
- Western Bowerbird
- White-throated Treecreeper
- Lovely Fairywren
- Variegated Fairywren
- Superb Fairywren
- Splendid Fairywren
- Red-backed Fairywren
- Southern Emu-wren
- Macleay's Honeyeater
- Bridled Honeyeater
- Varied Honeyeater
- Yellow Honeyeater
- White-plumed Honeyeater
- Graceful Honeyeater
- Yellow-spotted Honeyeater
- Lewin's Honeyeater
- Noisy Miner
- Yellow-throated Miner
- Blue-faced Honeyeater
- Little Friarbird
- Helmeted Friarbird
- Silver-crowned Friarbird
- Noisy Friarbird
- Little Wattlebird
- Red Wattlebird
- Brown Honeyeater
- New Holland Honeyeater
- White-cheeked Honeyeater
- Tawny-crowned Honeyeater
- Brown-backed Honeyeater
- Eastern Spinebill
- Dusky Myzomela (Honeyeater)
- Scarlet Myzomela (Honeyeater) (heard only)
- Red-browed Pardalote
- Striated Pardalote
- White-browed Scrubwren
- Yellow-throated Scrubwren
- Large-billed Scrubwren
- Weebill
- Brown Gerygone
- Large-billed Gerygone
- Fairy Gerygone
- Chestnut-rumped Thornbill
- Buff-rumped Thornbill
- Yellow-rumped Thornbill
- Yellow Thornbill
- Grey-crowned Babbler
- Chowchilla
- Eastern Whipbird
- Yellow-breasted Boatbill
- Black Butcherbird
- Grey Butcherbird
- Pied Butcherbird
- Australian Magpie
- Pied Currawong
- White-breasted Woodswallow
- Black-faced Cuckooshrike
- Barred Cuckooshrike
- White-bellied Cuckooshrike
- Varied Triller
- Australian Golden Whistler
- Rufous Whistler
- Australasian Figbird
- Olive-backed Oriole
- Green Oriole (Yellow Oriole)
- Bower's Shrikethrush
- Little Shrikethrush
- Grey Shrikethrush
- Spangled Drongo
- Willie Wagtail
- Grey Fantail
- Rufous Fantail
- Black-faced Monarch
- Spectacled Monarch
- Pied Monarch
- Magpielark
- Shining Flycatcher
- Torresian Crow
- Australian Raven
- Apostlebird
- Victoria's Riflebird
- Grey-headed Robin
- Pale-yellow Robin
- Red-capped Robin
- White-backed Swallow
- Welcome Swallow
- Tree Martin
- Tawny Grassbird
- Silvereye
- Metallic Starling
- Common Myna
- Mistletoebird
- Olive-backed Sunbird (Yellow-bellied Sunbird)
- House Sparrow
- Red-browed Finch
- Crimson Finch
- Zebra Finch
- Blue-faced Parrot-Finch
- Scaly-breasted Munia (Nutmeg Mannikin)
- Chestnut-breasted Munia (Mannikin)
- Australian Pipit
Possible, but ID not confident
- Straw-necked Ibis
- Grey Teal
- Grey Goshawk
- Grey Falcon
- Western Gerygone
- Banded Honeyeater
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