Even Destroyers Have A Price

It was about birds, now it's about azimuth stings


Off the Tracks

After a miraculously productive morning in the field with with Karina, I spent a good chunk of the afternoon driving Marissa to the Delaware Museum of Natural History, to look at some dead birds, and hopefully bring home a dead baby owl. We considered the possibilities of either letting it perch on the dashboard, tying it onto the roof, or letting it roll around in the trunk. In retrospect, what a bizarre reason for a road trip. I'm not sure what single aspect of it could be considered normal.

In any case, turns out no owl was received, the transaction was delayed in order to hammer out further details. But on the way back, we decided to take Smiths Bridge Rd back to the Wilmington Pike, and oh man, what a road. I will attempt to sum things up with the following formula:

Smiths Bridge Rd =


And there was even a covered bridge over the Brandywine Creek. In other words, it was just about the greatest road of all-time. Top 5, at least. I had a lot of fun driving on it, and I'm semi-seriously considering making the hour-long one-way trip out to drive it again. The car 10 ft in front of us would consistently drop out of view completely, and suddenly the ground below us would disappear into the abyss, while cornfields camly rolled on to the side. Absolutely perfect geography for the Dukes of Hazzard, if they suddenly became yankees.

Let's hit the links:



At August 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, i know what you're talkin' about. i've been through that covered bridge!


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