Even Destroyers Have A Price

It was about birds, now it's about azimuth stings


Birding with Joanna and her Dad

Definitely the most frustrating part of Finals period is not necessarily the stress and the busyness, but the fact that I have to miss spring migration! Finally, I got a chance to head into the Crum this morning with Joanna and her dad, which was a nice treat. We headed out around 1030 am, which is a bit of a late start for me, but it didn't matter as we found some great birds!

Alligator Rock was the most productive I've ever seen it, as I got great looks at most of my warblers there. On the way down to the creek, a crow raucously attacked a Sharp-shinned Hawk that had strayed into its territory, and the hawk settled into the forest edge by the Science Center parking lot. At the creek itself, I found my very first Spotted Sandpiper for the Crum! The other highlights include several great looks at a Veery, two Great Blue Herons soaring over the meadow and perching together, and getting to share the birds with two other people!

  1. Great Blue Heron - 2, flew over the meadow and settled into a tree. Probably a mated couple.
  2. Turkey Vulture - 1
  3. Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1, behind Science Center
  4. Spotted Sandpiper - 1, new for the Crum! Middle of creek, at upper pipe creek crossing
  5. Mourning Dove - 7
  6. Red-bellied Woodpecker - heard only
  7. Downy Woodpecker - heard only
  8. Hairy Woodpecker - 1, gorgeous male, Hemlock bluffs
  9. Northern Flicker - 4, great looks at several flying birds in the Holly Collection
  10. Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1, sallying at Alligator Rock, caught a yellow butterfly (a sulfur?)
  11. Acadian Flycatcher - 1, upper pipe creek crossing
  12. Blue Jay - heard only
  13. American Crow - several
  14. Tufted Titmouse
  15. Carolina Chickadee
  16. American Robin - innumerable
  17. Wood Thrush - 1, heard only at trestle
  18. Veery - 2, behind Science Center and at Hemlock bluffs, latter calling
  19. Gray Catbird - 1, heard only, across from rhododendrons
  20. Northern Parula - heard only, Alligator Rock and Holly Collection
  21. Chestnut-sided Warbler - possibly heard behind Science Center
  22. Black-throated Blue Warbler - heard only, Alligator Rock and above Holly Collection
  23. Yellow-rumped Warbler - 2, Alligator Rock
  24. Black-throated Green Warbler - several heard, one given great looks at Alligator Rock
  25. Black-and-white Warbler - 1, great looks at Alligator Rock. Still can't hear these guys.
  26. American Redstart - 1, great looks for Joanna at Alligator Rock.
  27. Ovenbird - 2, below amphitheater
  28. Northern Cardinal - 1 bright male by Lang
  29. White-throated Sparrow - 5 above Holly Collection. Still here?!
  30. Song Sparrow - 6, singing around Crum Meadow
  31. Brown-headed Cowbird - 8 in Crum Meadow, both male and female
  32. Common Grackle - 2 at Holly Collection entrance


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