Definitely the most frustrating part of Finals period is not necessarily the stress and the busyness, but the fact that I have to miss spring migration! Finally, I got a chance to head into the Crum this morning with Joanna and her dad, which was a nice treat. We headed out around 1030 am, which is a bit of a late start for me, but it didn't matter as we found some great birds!
Alligator Rock was the most productive I've ever seen it, as I got great looks at most of my warblers there. On the way down to the creek, a crow raucously attacked a Sharp-shinned Hawk that had strayed into its territory, and the hawk settled into the forest edge by the Science Center parking lot. At the creek itself, I found my very first Spotted Sandpiper for the Crum! The other highlights include several great looks at a Veery, two Great Blue Herons soaring over the meadow and perching together, and getting to share the birds with two other people!
- Great Blue Heron - 2, flew over the meadow and settled into a tree. Probably a mated couple.
- Turkey Vulture - 1
- Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1, behind Science Center
- Spotted Sandpiper - 1, new for the Crum! Middle of creek, at upper pipe creek crossing
- Mourning Dove - 7
- Red-bellied Woodpecker - heard only
- Downy Woodpecker - heard only
- Hairy Woodpecker - 1, gorgeous male, Hemlock bluffs
- Northern Flicker - 4, great looks at several flying birds in the Holly Collection
- Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1, sallying at Alligator Rock, caught a yellow butterfly (a sulfur?)
- Acadian Flycatcher - 1, upper pipe creek crossing
- Blue Jay - heard only
- American Crow - several
- Tufted Titmouse
- Carolina Chickadee
- American Robin - innumerable
- Wood Thrush - 1, heard only at trestle
- Veery - 2, behind Science Center and at Hemlock bluffs, latter calling
- Gray Catbird - 1, heard only, across from rhododendrons
- Northern Parula - heard only, Alligator Rock and Holly Collection
- Chestnut-sided Warbler - possibly heard behind Science Center
- Black-throated Blue Warbler - heard only, Alligator Rock and above Holly Collection
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 2, Alligator Rock
- Black-throated Green Warbler - several heard, one given great looks at Alligator Rock
- Black-and-white Warbler - 1, great looks at Alligator Rock. Still can't hear these guys.
- American Redstart - 1, great looks for Joanna at Alligator Rock.
- Ovenbird - 2, below amphitheater
- Northern Cardinal - 1 bright male by Lang
- White-throated Sparrow - 5 above Holly Collection. Still here?!
- Song Sparrow - 6, singing around Crum Meadow
- Brown-headed Cowbird - 8 in Crum Meadow, both male and female
- Common Grackle - 2 at Holly Collection entrance